Tuesday 14 June 2011

Breaking news - repeat offender!

Today Bill and Rhonda were called to the Northern Break wall of Port Kembla Harbour. There they found a very sorry young juvenile pelican begging for fish from a fisherman. He had a graze on his wing and was very dirty and undernourished. When they looked at him they noticed he had a number on his wing which Australian Seabird Rescue had marked on him 5 weeks ago when he was first found huddled up beside a dead adult pelican that had hit powerlines and died. This adult could have been his parent and the juvenile on his first flight from the island off  Port Kembla where he hatched. After rehydration and feeding, he was released into a group of older pelicans. He had been doing well and learning to catch fish himself until one day, when we checked on him, he had flown away.

But today we were reunited with him! He has been rehydrated and fed again and released with the older birds. We will regularly check on his progress, but who knows when we may meet again.

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