Wednesday, 10 February 2016


This very handsome young Westland Petrel was found lying on the sand of a Wollongong Beach by a passer-by who fortunately rang Seabird Rescue.  These birds only breed in the Paparoa Ranges on the top of bluffs which are densely forested on the South Island of New Zealand mostly migrate to Chile before returning.
Western Petrel found on Wollongong Beach
So immediately off to our friends Janice & Lindsay of SOSSA (Southern Oceans Seabird Study Assoc.) to be assessed at just over half her weight should be she was hydrated with critical care fluid straight away and due to the late hour, Lindsay kept her to be fed during the night (Thank you Lindsay)

Into rehab the next day she appeared to be doing okay, but on day 5 despite gaining weight she started to look not so happy.

Lindsay consulted with Taronga Zoo Hospital and it was decided she would fair better up there with best facilities where she could swim etc.

Not being able to get a Seabird Rescue volunteer to take her to Sydney / Mosman, (almost two hours away) it fell back on Janice & Lindsay to transport her to the Zoo, for which a great big thank you goes to them as I couldn’t go with other birds in care needing 3 hourly attention.

But the lesson here is the IMPORTANCE of notifying someone of any seabirds found dead or alive.  It really is imperative to identify them and if alive to go to the best possible care.

Thank you again, Janice & Lindsay of SOSSA and Taronga Zoo Hospital for taking over her care and hopefully release in a couple of weeks.


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