Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Turtle in need of some TLC

Haven’t reported for a while – thankfully it’s been a bit quieter with the colder weather.  Of course there’s always birds in trouble if you go looking.

This young lady, a green sea turtle, was picked up by one of our local pro fishermen as she didn’t ‘look right’.  A quick call to our mate Lindsay of SOSSA to come with me to assess her resulted in the determination with his expert eye that she had an infection. 

So, with the assistance of our Australian Seabird Rescue team member, Liz, she was off to Taronga zoo hospital for diagnosis and after xrays and blood tests plus two days in care she was cleared to be released back where she came from.

Team member Paul picked her up from the hospital and he and Lindsay released  her to continue to grow and hopefully go back to sea and breed in a few years.

A good team effort with a great result.
