Friday, 20 December 2013

Fate of a Fiesty Duck

Last weekend a resident of Sanctuary Point noticed a Chestnut Teal duck in her garden that was trailing a length of fishing line. She called Australian Seabird Rescue and Shari & Shawn from Sanctuary Point successfully caught him. The local vets xrayed him, which showed that the position of a fishing hook attached to the line was very low in his gut and chances of his survival were slim. Shari and Shawn were coming to Wollongong to release a young penguin rehabed from its exhausting adventure, getting lost on uncertain currents in Lake Illawarra and now ready to go back home there, so they called Betty, Wollongong's ASR wildlife carer. She suggested bringing the duck to her and she would get another opinion from the vets at Cannon and Ball in the Gong who specialise in birds. Very quickly he proved a lively little bloke this duck, fiesty in fact and a bit of a Houdini......
Vet Kim of Canon and Ball could see from the xrays his chances could go either way, she explained later that the hook was embedded very close to his 'gizzard' and damage to it during surgery would be fatal. He escaped during this first consult and was not easy to catch even in small confines of the consulting rooms, "He's pretty fit" thought Kim, "worth a try!"

Xray of Fiesty Duck showing location of hook

He came through surgery very well and his rehab with Betty is promising, (he needed post op care, antibiotics and time for his wound to close). He has a check up with vet Kim tomorrow, if all is as good as it looks then he will be released this weekend at Sanctury Point, just over a week from his first capture.

Hook and line surgically removed from Fiesty Duck.

Fiesty Duck in his rehabilitation accommodation.

This looks like a pretty good outcome for the fiesty duck but there is a big moral in his story. Water birds and animals suffer dreadful, painful injuries and death from fishing line and fishing hooks, so please pass on this message to everyone you know who goes fishing:
DON'T leave fishing line and fishing hooks unattended in the environment
DO check that you have not inadvertently dropped any of your line or hooks
And if you hook a bird:-           
DON'T cut the line, gently reel in the bird until you can hold it securely with its wings folded to its body. Seek help from your nearest vet or ring ASR 0431 282 238.
A bird entanged with fishing line means it can be in a lot of pain and most often will suffer a painful, slow death.


Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Latest branch news


 Firstly,  I would like to welcome Amy, Kate, Linda, Kiala, Monique and Paul to our Branch ... it is fabulous that you have joined us and I look forward to seeing you at the workshop if you can make it (Sunday 15 December).


 We have had another busy few weeks with the pelicans... many affected by botulism.  Betty has five in care at the moment and I would like to particularly thank Julie for all her support - she has been assisting Betty on a daily basis with medications/feeding and the general housekeeping which is required.

 We have also had a big effort by Shari and Shaun during the past few weeks with a range of rescues.... thanks guys.  Many of our members have been working as a team when needed - fantastic work!

 As previously mentioned, if you have a spare afternoon or day that you are able to assist and/or undertake a proactive please call Betty on the ASR hotline  0431282238 - I don't want to see Betty burnout.... we all know what the consequences would be if that occurred.  The Christmas period is going to be a challenge as many of us will be away and I would like to arrange for Betty to have a few days without the phone... we will need to discuss this at the meeting.


 I would like to thank Lidia, John, Michael, Fulvia, Kay, Leonie, Tess, Kath and Jennifer for running the BBQ at Bunnings, Warrawong, we banked approximately $1100, which is a fantastic effort! 

  JOINT CLEANUP:  14 December 2013:  Longbeach North, Beecroft Peninsula, Currarong:  11am

 Please don't forget that we have organised a joint cleanup with ORRCA, Marine Mammal Rescue & Responsible Runners, Jervis Bay on 14 December -  bring a picnic lunch if you are able to hang around to talk to our friends from other wildlife rescue organisations.

 Let me know if you can attend as I will be taking my car and have some spare seats.


 I am  conducting a workshop for new members on Sunday, 15 December at the Port Kembla Sailing Club near Berkeley Boat ramp from 9.15am to 3pm... so if you require a refresher (every two years) please let me know and you can participate in this workshop.

 BRANCH MEETING:  Monday, 16 December 2013

 The last meeting of the year is on Monday, 16 December at the Illawarra Yacht Club -  so come along for a quick meeting; light refreshments and a social chat.  It is a pity our southern friends are a bit too far away to join us..... but we certainly acknowledge all the work that people do and I will make every effort to come down the coast to catch up in the new year!
