Tuesday, 2 April 2013

‘Fill Up’

 Finally, a good feel story.

'Fill Up' the penguin taking off back into the wild after 33 days of care in the penguin hotel!

This young man came ashore a bit early to begin his moult.  Penguins are
about the only birds to completely moult in one sitting.  In doing so they
have to get onto land as they are not waterproof during this time.  This can take 14 – 17 days.  But this fella decided he liked the penguin hotel and took  33 days.  The name ‘Fill Up’ because the A LA CARTE menu of WA Pilchards
were to his liking and he was hard to fill up.  Anyway, I released him back where he was found – he took off into the surf so fast I  missed a good picture of him.  But wonderful to see him on his way.

Pelican #896 was also released this week after 10 days in care.


Monday, 1 April 2013

Barely born

A very sad afternoon - we don't like to tell sad stories but this has to be brought to everyone's attention.
In the Wollongong Council area there are a number of long open beaches where dogs can run free off leash. But some people believe they are a  law unto themselves and just don't care!
This poor little baby on his first flight has been mauled by one or two dogs with multiple puncture wounds and the bone in his right leg crushed. He was on a dog free beach - 10 minutes up the road is a beach a couple of miles long where dogs are allowed.
I have spoken to people in the past about their dogs on this particular beach but what's the good of making these laws if no-one polices them. I do own a dog myself. The horrific part of this story is that the poor bird was left bleeding on the beach to die. He was absolutely terrified and was taken to the vet where sadly he was euthanized.
The onus is on all of us to take care and be responsible.

Horrific injuries on a pelican mauled by a dog.